7 St. Patrick’s Day Yoga Videos for Kids on YouTube

St. Patrick’s Day is such a fun holiday to celebrate with the kids. Celebrating can come in many forms as long as green is involved and that is where these fun and interactive St. Patrick’s Day Yoga videos for kids come into play!

These YouTube videos covering yoga poses for kids to do in St. Patrick’s Day themes are just what you need to keep your littles moving and smiling. Keep reading for 7 fun St. Patrick's Day-themed yoga videos from YouTube!

Fun St. Patrick’s Day Yoga Videos from YouTube

These fun St. Patrick’s Day-themed yoga videos for kids require no prior experience! Simply turn them on and let your kids go at it thanks to their step-by-step instructions. They are perfect for both in-school and at-home use.

Each option includes a variety of yoga poses in the St. Patrick’s Day theme, including a Pot of Gold pose that I loved.

Now, get your green comfy outfit on and get to it!

1. Leprechaun Kids Yoga from Go Go Yoga for Kids

This video includes 5 fun poses in a St. Patrick’s Day theme and begins with a fun-themed “rainbow breathing” exercise. Perfect for teaching kids about different breathing techniques for calming down! She also intertwined the use of plastic gold coins to really set the mood for the St. Paddy’s Day theme.

2. St. Patrick’s Day Dance and Freeze Kids Yoga from Teacher Mister Alonso

This one is a great one to get the kids warmed up and suggested for a PE game or brain break activity for kids in school during the St. Patrick’s Day season. It includes move and freeze activities and is GoNoodle-inspired. It is perfect for elementary-aged kids.

3. St. Patrick’s Day Yoga from PT Paula

This video offers a fun way to get some movement in with the theme of the green holiday. The video includes 7 fun yoga poses for kids, beginning with a warm-up and ending with some final mantras for the kids to follow. The Pot of Gold yoga pose is my favorite!

4. St. Patrick’s Day Kids Yoga from Donna Freeman

This yoga video for St. Patrick’s Day intertwines movement with mindfulness for the kids and has quite a few fun yoga poses including “Dance an Irish Jig” and “Lucky Horseshoe”. It is a whole 12 minutes long so it’ll give you a decent break where the kids will be plenty entertained!

5. St. Patrick’s Day Yoga - Brain Break from Coach Brenda Becker

This one is ultimately a great idea for PE teachers and elementary school teachers. It offers a quick brain break for kids mid-day or serves as a fun PE activity that’ll get them moving. Now, just because it says it is for school use doesn’t mean you can’t use it at home! Have fun with it equally as much from your living room to keep the kids entertained while you do something else for a few.

6. Pretzel Kid’s Yoga - St. Patrick’s Day Edition from Cedar Grove Public Library

This is a long one, friends! Perfect for doing alongside your kids as well! It covered breathing techniques along with a variety of fun yoga poses with a St. Patrick’s Day theme. Standing Rainbow was my favorite option!

7. St. Patty’s Day Kid’s Yoga from Kayla Elise Yoga

This video isn’t too long but is still a good length, It begins with a comforting but silly Om (followed by a more serious one) and rolls into 5 themed yoga poses for the holiday. She also includes a fun yoga game at the end!


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