Kitchen Table // Splurge or DIY

A large scale, fluted kitchen table with a a pedestal base and wishbone chairs in a white kitchen with a floral arrangement on the kitchen table

I was so fed up with our original kitchen table. It was too long for our space and took up way too much of the room. I knew I wanted a round table so that no little humans continue to bonk their heads. The designs I loved were either way too pricey or were too large for our space. So, I said eff it, I’m going to make my dream table. And I did, with the help of Isaac, my amazing handyman. Our tabletop itself is a 42” round with a 28” high base. It fits perfectly custom to accompany our bench storage seating and two wishbone chairs. This was quite a project, and I will happily break it all down for you in a future blog post, so stay tuned for that soon!

Fluted designs are making their way into homes everywhere, from dining tables, accent walls, and sideboards. What do you think, will this trend stand the test of time?


under $500 option:

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